Default Animations

Starting with 0.3.0. Hero provides several default transitions. These can also be customized & combined with your custom heroID & heroModifiers. Makes transitions even easier to implement.


Methods for changing the default animations

Use the following properties to change default animation type for different presentation methods.

extension UIViewController {
  /// default hero animation type for presenting & dismissing modally
  public var heroModalAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UINavigationController {
  /// default hero animation type for push and pop within the navigation controller
  public var heroNavigationAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UITabBarController {
  /// default hero animation type for switching tabs within the tab bar controller
  public var heroTabBarAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType

Supported default animations

Please checkout HeroDefaultAnimations.swift for supported animations.

Many of these animations support directions(up, down, left, right).

.auto Animation Type

.auto is the default animation type. It uses the following animations depending on the presentation style:

  • .none if source root view or destination root view have existing animations (defined via heroID or heroModifiers).
  • .push & .pull if animating within a UINavigationController.
  • .slide if animating within a UITabbarController.
  • .fade if presenting modally.
  • .none if presenting modally with modalPresentationStyle == .overFullScreen.

.selectBy(presenting:, dismissing:) Animation Type

Will determine the animation type by whether or not we are presenting or dismissing.

For example:

.selectBy(presenting:.push(.left), dismissing:.pull(.right))

Will use left push animation if presenting a VC, or right pull animation when dismissing a VC.


Other than .auto & .none, default animations will override heroModifiers on source & destination root views during the transition.

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