Navigation Helper

Hero provides some useful navigation extension methods on UIViewController. Use these alongside with pushViewController, presentViewController to navigate between view controllers.

func hero_dismissViewController()

Dismiss the current view controller with animation. Will perform a navigationController.popViewController if the current view controller is contained inside a navigationController.

func hero_replaceViewController(with: UIViewController)

Replace the current view controller with another VC on the navigation/modal stack.

func hero_unwindToRootViewController()

Unwind to the root view controller using Hero.

func hero_unwindToViewController(_ toViewController:)

Unwind to a specific view controller using Hero.

func hero_unwindToViewController(withSelector: Selector)

Unwind to a view controller that responds to the given selector using Hero.

func hero_unwindToViewController(withClass: AnyClass)

Unwind to a view controller with given class using Hero.

func hero_unwindToViewController(withMatchBlock: (UIViewController) -> Bool)

Unwind to a view controller that the match block returns true on.

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